Parsis Immigration Services, as a company, has a business
relationship with the companies listed below, which is limited in scope to the performance of preliminary eligibility evaluations using existing customer data that is stored by the companies.
Please note Parsis Immigration Services (Parsis International Inc) does not use the services of any agents who promote or market, on our behalf, regulated Canadian immigration services that we offer to consumers directly.
We do have one registered agent on record listed with the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) working with Ramin Khodaie, RCIC, RCQI.
The transactions between the companies listed below and their customers are not governed by the Canadian regulatory framework applicable to the supply of immigration services per section A91 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada. These companies also sell various goods and services that have no connection to the business relationship with Parsis Immigration Services Inc.